New Beginnings

Hey there! 

Welcome to my new site and blog!

When I was deciding whether or not to revamp my business and change so many of my life directions this is what I heard in my head, “perhaps the universe is opening up some doors and unfolding a new path OR I am about to be swallowed by a black hole”. So, I have decided to risk being swallowed by a black hole. 

I have attempted to write blogs and use social media in the past for work and frankly social media is not my jam. However, writing is. I have only recently started sharing that among friends and colleagues mostly as a way to start holding myself accountable to the work I feel that I am meant to be doing. Like all new chapters in our lives there is often fear, anxiety, trepidation, and damn those pesky gremlins get SO loud. How the F are we all not good enough? Seriously. More on that soapbox later…

My intention is to share with you. To share light, laughter, wholeheartedness, and then more laughter. We must laugh more otherwise life can start to feel pretty boggy. (Yep, that is my adjective for when we feel bogged down. I never promised I would be a good writer…)

I am combining all of my loves into this new chapter. Mothering, writing, coaching, teaching, mentoring, and living deeply. Connecting all of my parts to feel whole. To feel like myself again in the work that I create and the way that I live my life. 

This is just a hello. The beginning of something new. Words have always mattered to me and I think words are powerful tools that help connect us on a deeply fundamental level. So, I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure, I feel it is going to be an exciting one! 

For now, I leave you with this quote by my favorite author Maya Angelou.

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”

Let’s rise,
