The Reconstruction Method
Raise your hand if these sound familiar.
“I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.”
I want to feel well and rested. I want to be present in my life.
“I’m struggling. There has been a major change in my life and I am so overwhelmed. I feel hopeless.”
I want to heal and be able to move forward in my life.
“I am failing every area of my life.”
I want to feel capable and confident in my life.
“I feel like I keep finding myself in the same pattern whether it is in toxic relationships, jobs that burn me out, or similar situations that elicit feelings of unworthiness, shame, guilt, and that I am unloveable. Nothing seems to help.”
I want to live in peace and harmony with who I am. I want to feel whole.
I see you and you are not alone.
Creating change, especially after a major life catalyst, can feel daunting. We repeat patterns and remain habitual to our dysfunction because it is comfortable. Comfortable not because it is actually comfortable, but comfortable because it is familiar to us. It is known. The unknown is so much more terrifying, even if that means liberation from the chaos. Even if you have tried method after method and read every damn mindset book, nothing has worked, and you feel like it is you. You, my love, are not the problem. You are caught in the dance between your mindset, your nervous system programming, systems, and your life. If it were easy to simply snap our fingers and create change, we all would! However, if steps are not taken to properly support you, it all falls apart.
Something I wish I knew, but didn’t years ago, when I was navigating the most drastic change I had ever been through in my life, is that we need a pre-heal period. This is a space where we deeply need to tend to our foundation. We cannot heal or rewire our bodies and minds without this safety net. This is to keep ourselves grounded while we do the deeper work.
Here is what I incorporate into my coaching work, because it is deeply required for healing and growth:
Cultivating a safe space for my clients to explore and grow
Going back to the basics. So often we forget that what is imperative to our functioning as humans is rest, nourishment, water, sleep, and stability. It is incredibly hard to stand when the ground beneath us is quicksand.
Trauma-informed care. I have spent the last 15 years working in the field of mental health and women’s wellness. We are not just floating heads, we are bodies. Living breathing organisms that walk upon this Earth. If our bodies are operating from a trauma response place, no other work can be done. Again, you can read the mindset books and think a belief in your head, but if your body doesn’t believe you, change will not occur.
Process + Action + Practice = Movement and Change
This is an inside job to create external results. We have to unlearn and recalibrate our nervous systems to respond to the present moment. Life changes often elicit trauma responses. Rewiring our minds and bodies takes time, but we can get there!
Scroll a little to see the full outline of The Reconstruction Method. A 6-Month 1:1 coaching container designed to uproot, repair, and rebuild your nervous system and life.
“If you are desiring to finally get to know and embody the strength, wisdom, and grace within yourself, and live the deeply connected and inspired life your heart and Soul have been asking for, Adrienne is the one that can walk beside you and help you make that prayer a reality. ”
The Reconstruction Method outline
I: Reckoning
This its the initial evaluation and repair phase.
We build back your foundation. A sense of safety is required for deeper healing work.
Develop deep self care practices and begin incorporating them into your daily life.
Uncover patterns that are keeping you stuck and unwell.
Begin to de-clutter your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual space.
Identify your values and natural rhythms.
Begin to move and shift energy in your life that is out of alignment with what you value.
Identify nervous system patterns and trauma responses.
II: Reconstruction
Begin to understand your grief as you begin to build a life you want to be in.
A shedding of skin occurs, which can feel incredibly vulnerable. This is the in-between period of healing.
Understand and identify what you can and can’t control in your life.
Implement rituals and practices that boldly keep you well and put them into practice. Our love and care for ourselves must become habitual.
Build a community support system.
Learn and practice boundaries that are necessary in your life.
III. Rebirth
Declare who you are now and what is true for you.
Reignite your passion for your life.
New habits have been implemented and are overriding old patterns.
Nervous system awareness and implementation of tools to stay grounded and present.
Continue to develop a deeper understanding of how you have operated in this world.
Continue to redesign the life you actually want to live.
Establish deep care routines rooted in love and trust for oneself.